Using Kershaw T-Tool Torx Tool to Reverse Pocket Clip
Today we decided to shoot a little video that demonstrates how useful a Kershaw T-Tool is when it comes to working on your Kershaw knife. The T-Tool is designed to help you work on your Kershaw knife easily. The tool comes with three bits: a T6 driver, a T10 driver, and a phillips screwdriver head. These three bits are stored securely into the shaft of the T-Tool and enable you to make adjustments to most Kershaw knives.
For this video we swapped the pocket clip on a Kershaw Leek 1660 from one end of the knife to the other. Before the pocket clip was swapped the configuration of the knife was what is known as a “tip down” carry. After the pocket clip was swapped the configuration became what is now as a “tip up” carry. Both carry configurations have their advantages and disadvantages, and it really comes down to a matter of personal preference. Lots of people like the tip down carry for safety. Others like tip up carry for faster draws.
Knurling – The textured checkering along the shaft of the T-Tool is known as knurling. This knurling doesn’t just allow you to give the Kershaw T-Tool torque when tightening or loosening screws, but it also gives you a good sense of just how much you are bearing down on the screw heads. This reduces over-torquing and stripped screw threads.
Magnetic receptable – The head of the Kershaw T-Tool has a magnetic head. This allows you to retain the bits in the head even when holding the tool upside down or between applications.
The bottom line is this. The Kershaw T-Tool will allow you to make quick adjustments to your knife because the bits inside are exactly what your Kershaw needs. I hope you like the video.
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This looks like a great little tool. I can see someone getting much use of this item.
Looks like a great tool for Kershaw knives – I could think of a thousand other uses as well… thanks for sharing!
Thanks for looking! I actually found where the torxtool fits perfectly into the little set screws on the doorknobs around my house!